Wednesday 14 Rajab 1446 on January 15, 2025


Every year, the foundation offers grants to approximately 1200 projects. These projects are implemented by different charitable, government and non-profit organizations all over Saudi Arabia.  These projects are categorized based on 9 grant tracks, with each one having its own set of criteria, standards, policies and forms.

The foundation requires every organization to read the manual prior to submitting a grant application. This manual will guide the applicants in preparing all the requirements needed for the grant.

The foundation mainly offers grants to charitable organizations licensed by the Ministry of Social Affairs.  It also offers grants to government and non-profit organizations, provided that four main criteria are met, namely:

1.    The organization must be charitable or non-profit.

2.    The organization must have an official authorization from credible accrediting bodies.

3.    The organization must have a bank account under its official name, with the exception of government organizations and subsidiaries affiliated to main organizations that already have an existing bank account.

4.    The organization must have a financial audit report subject to the review of a chartered accountant. Newly-founded and government organizations are exempted from this criterion.


Failure to comply with these criteria will mean automatic disqualification of the application.

The foundation offers grants to nine types of projects, namely:



Most Important Grant Criteria

Periodic Projects

Projects that contribute to empowering the organizations and assist them in:

  • Achieving their goals
  • Fulfilling the needs of the community they service.  
  • During the previous year, disbursements of the applicant shall not exceed 10 million riyals/ 4 million dollars .
  • The grant will not exceed 50% of the total disbursements of the organization for the previous year.
  • The cost of the project will not be less than 30 thousand riyals/8 thousand dollars and will not exceed 300 thousand riyals.
  • The duration of the project will not exceed one year.

Central Projects

Projects with impacts in the administrative regions in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. These projects are submitted by main organizations, not subsidiaries. These projects are evaluated at the Foundation headquarters.

  • The grant will not exceed 50% of the organization’s expenses for the previous year.
  • The project concept will not fall under another grant track.

Distinct Projects


  • Creative projects targeting a specific population.
  • The project must contribute to community growth and service.
  • The cost of the project will not be less than 300 thousand riyals.
  • The grant will not exceed the total disbursements of the applicant organization during the previous year.
  • The duration of the project will not exceed five years.




Rising Development Projects

Projects directed toward enhancing and sustaining the capabilities of the organizations and their employees in areas such as planning, leadership and employee development, program and operations development, organizational development, by-laws and regulations training, technical systems and equipment assistance.

  • The Board of Directors of the applicant organization must rigorously monitor the project and submit implementation results.
  • The applicant will be the direct beneficiary organization.
  • The cost of the project will not exceed 50% of the total disbursements of the organization in the previous year.
  • The cost of the project will not exceed 1.5 million riyals/400 thousand dollars and will not be less than 150 thousand riyals/40 thousand dollars.

Social Investment Projects




Projects that realize monetary and social returns by offering services and solutions to enhance financial sustainability and community growth.

  • The organization must have been established for at least two years.
  • The foundation grant will not be less than 300 thousand riyals.
  • The foundation grant will not exceed 75% of the project cost.
  • The duration of the grant shall not exceed 5 years.
  • The annual return of the project (net profit) shall not be less than 7% of the capital.
  • The project must have case studies of success and a realized tangible social impact.

Projects to Establish and Sponsor

Independent Entity

Projects that establish new independent entities, which contribute to community growth and service by offering new services or expanding current ones.

  • The sponsorship will not be less than two years and will not exceed seven years.
  • The value of the grant will not be less than one million riyals/about 267 thousand dollars.
  • The entity should be able to achieve financial sustainability within a period not exceeding 7 years.

Projects to Establish and Sponsor

Affiliated Entity



Projects that establish new entities affiliated to charitable organizations that contribute to community growth and service by offering new services or expanding current ones.

  • The organization must have been established for three years or more.
  • The duration of the grant will not exceed two years.
  • The value of the grant will not be less than 300 thousand riyals and will not exceed one million riyals/about 267 thousand dollars.
  • The organization will have experience in offering project services for a period not less than one year.
  • The project manager shall have at least one year’s worth of experience in the field.

Mosque Furnishing Projects









Projects involved in equipping and establishing mosques

  • Application for this track will be through an official mosque representative.
  • The same grant will only be given again to the mosque after 10 years, and pending the repairs or restoration necessary.
  • The cost of the project will not be less than 30 thousand riyals/8 thousand dollars
  • The provision of the furnishings will be arranged directly by the foundation unless it decides otherwise.
  • The duration of the project requested to be granted will not exceed one year commencing from the date of its execution.
  • Full or partial grants will be provided in this track.
  • An official representative must be the coordinator of the project.




Knowledge Enrichment Projects

Projects directed toward supporting scientific studies, research, contributions, and knowledge enrichment for the growth of the sector.

  • The project is required:
  • To achieve a scientific or practical contribution.
  • The project should be new, or require completion.
  • The project should not be part of a previously completed project.
  • The appropriate scientific methodology should be used.
  • The subject of the project submitted by an organization should be within its competence, or should be implemented by a specialized organization.
  • The following is required of the project executor:
  • He should be one of the following:
  • A faculty member
  • A researcher specializing in licensed research establishments
  • The holder of a registered patent
  • Engaged in research and studies
  • The holder of a Masters and a PhD
  • A Ph.D. Student


The relevant branches and departments of the foundation will review the grant applications according to the following:

1.    The 3-step initial assessment:

  • Verification of the criteria of the organization, the project and the grant requested in the submitted application.
  • Assessment of the organization according to specific standards based on the track.
  • Assessment of the   project based on specific standards.

2. The criteria and standards used to assess the organization vary according to the instructional manual of every track.

3.    The foundation communicates with the applicant during the assessment stage to discuss details further and make the required revisions to the submitted forms.

4.    The results of the evaluation are presented to special committees of the foundation to make a final decision.